The Entomological Society of Canada is looking for volunteers for the upcoming JAM, November 3-7!

Volunteering looks great on your CV, is an excellent way to meet new people, and is fun! The Student Affairs Committee worked hard to keep student registration rates low, so we need a very strong showing of student volunteers to help make this meeting a success!

Sign up at by checking off times you are available. The full program is up now so you can confirm when you are presenting: check it out here!

As mentioned in a previous post, the Entomological Society of BC has been working hard to improve the Society’s impact by enhancing our online presence to reach more people in BC, as well as the rest of Canada and the world. We’ve undertaken a massive project to digitize our entire journal archive, and are in the process of moving all 108 volumes of the Journal of the ESBC online (plus occasional papers, supplementary reports, and the Quarterly Bulletins dating back to 1906!).

This project will provide unprecedented public access to the Society’s publications, and you can help! With scanning and OCR completed, we need to extract the metadata for each article, including the abstracts and references, so that we can import them into our new online journal system (link to We are recruiting volunteers to assist with this step, as well as creating cover images from the scanned volumes.

  • Flexible and easy;
  • Can be done from anywhere (you don’t have to live in BC!);
  • Opportunity to explore the history of entomology in BC;
  • Work closely with ESBC journal and web editors;
  • Contribute directly to the establishment of a permanent, online, open-access repository of entomological knowledge in BC;
  • Ideal for students or anyone with an interest in entomology and community service.

Contact Alex Chubaty ( if you are interested in contributing time towards this project.

Dr. Rebecca Hallett of the School of Environmental Sciences, University of Guelph is looking for a graduate student and a post-doctoral research assistant to join her research group.

Swede Midge

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License – CC-BY. Image by Susan Ellis, USDA APHIS PPQ,

Insect‐Plant Interactions & Pest Management –  Graduate Student Position Available
Project summary:
I am currently seeking a motivated graduate student (Ph.D. or M.Sc.) to investigate host plant interactions between the invasive crucifer pest, the swede midge (Contarinia nasturtii (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae)) and spring canola. The graduate student will investigate the relationships between timing and intensity of swede midge populations, canola phenology, damage severity and yield impacts. This project is part of a larger program to develop an integrated pest management program for swede midge in spring canola, including insecticide efficacy, optimal insecticide timing with respect to canola phenology, and the development of comprehensive pest management recommendations for swede midge in canola.

Start date and stipend:
Anticipated start date of September 2012 (preferred) or January 2013. Funding is guaranteed for 3 years at the Ph.D level and 2 years at the M.Sc. level.

Deadline for Application: June 15, 2012

For application procedures and required qualifications, please see full advertisement here.

Entomology & Chemical Ecology – Post-Doctoral Research Associate Position Available

Spotted Wing Drosophila

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License- CC-BY. Image by Hannah Burrack, North Carolina State University,

Research Project:
We are currently seeking a motivated Post-Doctoral Research Associate to investigate the chemical ecology of Spotted Wing Drosophila (Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae)), an invasive pest of soft-skinned fruit. The post-doc will develop semiochemical-based pest management methods for D. suzukii that can be used in both conventional and organic production systems. The post-doc will help design and execute lab and fieldwork, analyze data, and write up publications in collaboration with the PI and other members of the research team. The post-doc will also have opportunities to supervise undergraduate project students and to interact with collaborators at Vineland Research Innovation Centre, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada and OMAFRA. This project is part of a larger program on the biology and management of D. suzukii in Ontario.

Anticipated start date of 1 August 2012. Two year position, with possibility of extension.

Deadline for Application: June 10, 2012

For full application procedures and required qualifications, please see full advertisement here.


ESC Blog will not forward applications or handle inquiries regarding advertised positions; please follow instructions and use contact information provided in advertisement.

If you have an entomological job or student opportunity available, let us know and we’ll be happy to spread the word!