Employment and Research Postings
For posting opportuinities in Entomology, please send details to the ESC Secretary, Sara Edwards, at ESCSecretary@esc-sec.ca.
Permanent Opportunities
Temporary/Contract Opportunities
Research Technician, Biological Crop Protection
Vineland Research and Innovation Centre, Ontario, Canada
12 months
Under the direction of the Director, Biological Crop Protection, the Research Technician will work on laboratory and greenhouse/field activities in biological control and integrated pest management research on arthropods in ornamental and production horticulture.
Details here.
Contact: careers@vinelandresearch.com
Graduate Research Opportunities
PhD Position: Butterfly Ecology, Conservation, and Monitoring in British Columbia, Canada
University of British Columbia, Departments of Botany and Zoology
This PhD position investigates the combined effects of climate change and introduced plants on butterfly ecology and conservation in British Columbia. Data sources will include historical collections, contemporary biodiversity databases, photographs taken by our community science partners, computer vision models, and fieldwork. This project is part of an ongoing partnership with a national environmental non-profit organization. The position is based in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Details here.
Deadline: January 8, 2025
Apply to Michelle Tseng (tsengm@mail.ubc.ca)
MSc Student Position: Cyclamen mite management in strawberry
Université Laval in Quebec City QC & Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada in Vineland ON
A position is available to test the effects of strawberry transplant steam treatment on cyclamen mite and to evaluate the integration of multiple control strategies for cyclamen mite in strawberries. Laboratory and office work will be at Université Laval (Envirotron building). Field work will be in the Quebec City area and in Ontario, based at the Agriculture and Agri-Food facilities in Vineland
Contact: Justin Renkema (justin.renkema@agr.gc.ca) and Valérie Fournier (Valerie.Fournier@fsaa.ulaval.ca)
MSc Position: Forest Biocontrol and Pest Management
Acadia University Department of Biology
We are currently seeking candidates for multiple MSc positions to conduct research on development of a biocontrol and integrated pest management strategy for invasive Hemlock Woolly Adelgid. Currently positions have flexible start dates within the next 9 months. Successful applicants will work with a team of researchers based at Acadia University in Nova Scotia, and with Natural Resources – Canadian Forest Service in Fredericton, NB.
MSc candidates (4) are being recruited for the following sub projects:
- Timing of insect development and thermal tolerance of HWA and biocontrol agents (1 Msc).
- Investigating the diversity of close relatives of biocontrol agents in NS – distribution, detection, and prey diversity (2 MSc).
- Impacts of chemical treatments for HWA management on canopy invertebrate biodiversity (1 MSc)
Start date: Jan or May 2025
Contact: Dr. Kirk Hillier (kirk.hillier@acadiau.ca)
Post-doctoral Research Opportunities
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