
Great Lakes Greenhouses (Leamington, ON) is seeking a full-time entomologist to aid in the development and implementation of rearing protocols for the production of beneficial insects used in the greenhouse industry. Knowledge and experience with experimental design, statistical analysis, beneficial insect propagation and maintenance, and the ability to perform independent research are all necessary to succeed in this position.

Great Lakes Greenhouses has been a family owned and operated hydroponic vegetable grower in Leamington, Ontario since 1983. Our original 2-1/2 acre greenhouse operation has evolved into an environmentally friendly 90 acre state of the art facility that propagates, grows, packages and ships more Long English seedless cucumbers on a year round basis than any other greenhouse operation in North America. Due to our commodity share hold in the market and our Primus Certified Food Safety designation for both our greenhouse and packing operations, our cucumbers have reached most major retailers’ shelves across the USA and Canada. 

See full job ad for more details, and send resumes to James Tetreault ( to apply.

“Are you serious about making your mark, getting hands-on work experience and learning more about careers in the Ontario Public Service? These positions at the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs in Guelph, Ontario will provide an excellent opportunity for those interested in a career in horticulture crop production, pest management, research or the agricultural service sector. Crops may include fruits, vegetables and ornamentals. These positions will provide the opportunity to learn about horticulture crop production, plant diseases, insect pests, integrated pest management (IPM) and agronomy in the horticulture crop sectors within the province. Training will be provided on research methods, technology transfer and working in the public sector.”

Six temporary positions based in Guelph, Ontario for up to 18 weeks are available. Closing date is February 2, 2017. See flyer for more details and how to apply.

Postdoctoral Fellow – Functional genomics of insect overwintering

Applications are invited for a funded postdoctoral position in insect functional genomics as part of a collaborative project between labs at Western University and the Canadian Forest Service, both in Ontario, Canada.

The project will involve coordinating work between two laboratories to identify and validate candidate molecular markers associated with diapause and cold tolerance in the Asian Longhorned Beetle, Anoplophora glabripennis using a combination of RNA-Seq, high-throughput metabolomics, and RNAi. The ideal candidate will be creative, and enthusiastic, with an ability to work both independently and as part of a team.  We will prefer someone with a background in insect physiology or molecular biology, and with a strong publication record in RNAi (in insects), bioinformatics, transcriptomics and/or metabolomics analyses in non-model systems.  Because of the geographic separation of the CFS and Western labs, excellent oral and written communication in English is a must, as is a valid driver’s license.

The successful applicant will be primarily based in London, Ontario, Canada in the Department of Biology, Western University.  The Sinclair lab at Western is a diverse, vibrant, and globally-collaborative group of low temperature biologists with broad interests in insect ecology, physiology, and molecular biology.  Please visit to learn more about the group; informal communication with Dr. Brent Sinclair prior to application is welcomed and encouraged; he will be at the ICE in Orlando, and will be happy to discuss the opportunity in person at the meeting.  The project is in collaboration with Drs. Amanda Roe and Daniel Doucet at the Great Lakes Forestry Centre, Sault Ste. Marie (, and will make particular use of the insect rearing and quarantine facility.

The initial appointment will be for one year with opportunity for a two-year extension.

To apply, please send a cover letter, detailing your fit to the position, a CV, and the names and contact details of three referees to Dr. Brent Sinclair by Noon (EST) on Monday 3 October.

We are committed to diversity, and encourage application from all qualified candidates.