Le répertoire des formations en entomologie au Canada
Le répertoire des formations en entomologie est une base de données des chercheurs en entomologie partout au Canada. Cette base de données a été créé pour aider les étudiants à trouver des collaborateurs et des instituts de recherche dans leur discipline. Le répertoire peut être trier par nom, instituts, discipline ou langue (Fr/En).
Name | Website | University | Other Affiliations | Province | Language | Discipline | |
Eric Lucas | lucas.eric@uqam.ca | https://goo.gl/n1AuGG | Université du Québec à Montréal | Quebec | EN/FR | ecology, biological control, agriculture | |
Adam Chippindale | chippind@queensu.ca | https://goo.gl/cJD6Ww | Queen's University | Ontario | EN | evolution, genetics/genomics | |
Alejandro Costamagna | ale.costamagna@umanitoba.ca | https://goo.gl/mA6dqr | University of Manitoba | Manitoba | EN | ecology | |
Alex Smith | salex@uoguelph.ca | https://goo.gl/hkjSJc | University of Guelph | Ontario | EN | ecology, genetics/genomics, evolution | |
Alida Janmaat | alida.janmaat@ufv.ca | University of the Fraser Valley | British Columbia | EN | Integrated Pest Management, insect ecology, insecticide resistance, insect pathology | ||
Allan Carroll | allan.carroll@ubc.ca | https://goo.gl/fvwpzx | University of British Columbia | University of Northern British Columbia | British Columbia | EN | Climate change, plant-insect interactions, forestry |
Amanda Roe | amanda.roe@canada.ca | https://goo.gl/quAH3W | Great Lakes Forestry Centre | Ontario | EN | Molecular Ecology of Forest Pests and Invasives | |
Amro Zayed | zayed@yorku.ca | https://goo.gl/rYyTjW | York University | Ontario | EN | Evolution, genetics/genomics | |
Ana R. Campos | camposa@mcmaster.ca | https://goo.gl/VUDW5y | McMaster University | Ontario | EN | physiology, genetics/genomics | |
André Payette | andre.payette@ville.montreal.qc.ca | Insectarium | Quebec | FR | ecology, agriculture, conservation | ||
Andrew Mason | amason@utsc.utoronto.ca | https://goo.gl/44Fcww | University of Toronto Scarborough | Ontario | EN | ecology, evolution, physiology | |
Andrew Swan | aswan@uwindsor.ca | https://goo.gl/wvTrU4 | University of Windsor | Ontario | EN | genetics/genomics, physiology | |
Aneil Agrawal | a.agrawal@utoronto.ca | https://goo.gl/NWQ4p3 | University of Toronto | Ontario | EN | Evolution, ecology, genetics/genomics | |
Angela B. Lange | angela.lange@utoronto.ca | https://goo.gl/aaiwMc | University of Toronto Mississauga | Ontario | EN | physiology | |
Annabelle Firlej | annabelle.firlej@irda.qc.ca | https://goo.gl/pr78vB | Institut de Recherche et de Développement en Agroenvironnement | Quebec | FR | biological control, agriculture, ecology | |
Annie-Eve Gagnon | annie-eve.gagnon@canada.ca | https://goo.gl/tWHJup | Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada | Quebec | FR | biological control, agriculture, ecology | |
Antoine Morin | amorin@uOttawa.ca | https://goo.gl/awuwss | University of Ottawa | Ontario | EN/FR | ecology, conservation | |
Arthur Davis | art.davis@usask.ca | https://goo.gl/ZG7zma | University of Saskatchewan | Saskatchewan | EN | Ecology, evolution | |
Barry Honda | honda@sfu.ca | https://goo.gl/CGXvJD | Simon Fraser University | British Columbia | EN | Genetics/Genomics | |
Bernard Crespi | crespi@sfu.ca | https://goo.gl/nhcTKQ | Simon Fraser University | British Columbia | EN | Genetics/Genomics, Phylogenetics, Ecology, Evolution | |
Boyd A. Mori | bmori@ualberta.ca | https://goo.gl/J6N4KT | University of Alberta | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | AB | EN | Integrated pest management, chemical ecology, transcriptomics/genomics |
Brent Sinclair | bsincla7@uwo.ca | https://goo.gl/B1ZSd4 | University of Western Ontario | Ontario | EN | physiology, genetics/genomics, ecology | |
Brian Aukema | BrianAukema@umn.edu | https://goo.gl/fdBAsq | University of Northern British Columbia | University of Minnesota | British Columbia/MN (USA) | EN | Ecology, Forestry, Community Ecology |
C. David Rollo | rollocd@mcmaster.ca | https://goo.gl/7Ye8c9 | McMaster University | Ontario | EN | evolution, physiology, ecology | |
C. Peter Constable | cpc@uvic.ca | https://goo.gl/1U2J6Z | University of Victoria | British Columbia | EN | Forestry, plant-insect interactions, Ecology, Biochemistry | |
Cam Donly | Cam.Donly@agr.gc.ca | https://goo.gl/ZHCZtX | University of Western Ontario | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | Ontario | EN | Agriculture, genetics/genomics |
Cara Gibson | cara.m.gibson@gmail.com | Swan Lake Christmas Hill Nature Sanctuary | BC | EN | Biodiversity, Ecology, Conservation, Integrated Pest Management, Systematics, Insect-Fungal Symbiosis | ||
Carl Lowenberger | clowenbe@sfu.ca | https://goo.gl/RxLCR9 | Simon Fraser University | British Columbia | EN | Ecology, biological control, genetics/genomics | |
Caroline Provost | cprovost@cram-mirabel.com | https://goo.gl/zqpk6e | Centre de recherche agroalimentaire de Mirabel | Quebec | FR | biological control, agriculture, ecology | |
Catherine Beliveau | catherine.beliveau@canada.ca | https://goo.gl/2uojWs | Centre de Foresterie des Laurentides | Quebec | FR | ecology, physiology, forestry | |
Catherine Plowright | Catherine.Plowright@uOttawa.ca | https://goo.gl/r7oqso | University of Ottawa | Ontario | EN/FR | animal behaviour, evolutionary psychology | |
Chandra Moffat | chandra.moffat@canada.ca | https://goo.gl/z7N4o8 | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | New Brunswick | EN/FR | Molecular Ecology, Integrated Pest Management, Biological Control, Arthropod Biodiversity, Plant-Insect Food Webs | |
Charles Darveau | cdarveau@uOttawa.ca | https://goo.gl/EdNY3o | University of Ottawa | Ontario | EN/FR | physiology, evolution | |
Charles Vincent | charles.vincent2@canada.ca | https://goo.gl/8av9gT | Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada | Quebec | EN/FR | biological control, agriculture, ecology | |
Cheryl Podemski | podemskic@dfo-mpo.gc.ca | https://goo.gl/8HCqAN | University of Manitoba | Fisheries & Oceans Canada | Manitoba | EN | Freshwater ecology |
Chris Buddle | chris.buddle@mcgill.ca | https://goo.gl/dzUFcY | McGill University | Quebec | EN | ecology, conservation | |
Chris Darling | cdarling@rom.on.ca | https://goo.gl/rK6fHA | University of Toronto | Royal Ontario Museum | Ontario | EN | Ecology, systematics, conservation |
Christian Hébert | christian.hebert@canada.ca | https://goo.gl/vfVWnN | Université Laval | Centre de Foresterie des Laurentides | Quebec | EN/FR | Forestry, ecology |
Christine Fulkerth | cfulkerth@oldscollege.ca | ||||||
Christine Noronha | Christine.noronha@canada.ca | https://goo.gl/p83j79 | University of Prince Edward Island | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | Prince Edward Island | EN | Pest Management, Ecology, Behaviour |
Christopher Keeling | christopher.keeling@canada.ca | Université Laval (adjunct professor) | Laurentian Forestry Centre (Canadian Forest Service) | QC | EN/FR | Forestry, plant-insect interactions, chemical ecology, biochemistry, molecular biology, genomics, bark beetles | |
Chrystel Olivier | chrystel.olivier@canada.ca | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | SK | EN/FR | Insect pest management | ||
Claude Guertin | claude.guertin@iaf.inrs.ca | https://goo.gl/CgMrk2 | INRS Université de Research | Quebec | FR | biological control, agriculture, ecology | |
Clint Kelly | kelly.clint@uqam.ca | https://goo.gl/gJVUUZ | Université du Québec à Montréal | Quebec | EN/FR | evolution, ecology, physiology | |
Colin Favret | colin.favret@umontreal.ca | https://goo.gl/461c4W | Université de Montréal | Quebec | EN/FR | evolution, systematics | |
Conrad Cloutier | conrad.cloutier@bio.ulaval.ca | https://goo.gl/cQmtt6 | Université Laval | Centre Sève | Quebec | FR | biologival controle, agriculture, evolution |
Cory Sheffield | Cory.Sheffield@gov.sk.ca | https://goo.gl/pf7YDw | University of Regina | Royal Saskatchewan Museum | Saskatchewan | EN | systematics, conservation, ecology |
Cynthia Scott-Dupree | cscottdu@uoguelph.ca | https://goo.gl/TrQtah | University of Guelph | Ontario | EN | agriculture, toxicology, sustainable IPM | |
Daniel Cormier | daniel.cormier@irda.qc.ca | https://goo.gl/GjjJj9 | Institut de Recherche et de Développement en Agroenvironnement | Quebec | FR | biological control, agriculture, ecology | |
Daniel Doucet | daniel.doucet@canada.ca | https://goo.gl/gCkbeB | Algoma University | Ontario | EN/FR | Insect molecular biology | |
Darryl Gwynne | darryl.gwynne@utoronto.ca | https://goo.gl/kzwgc9 | University of Toronto Mississauga | Ontario | EN | evolution, ecology | |
Dave Shutler | dave.shutler@acadiau.ca | https://goo.gl/kTodzB | Acadia University | Nova Scotia | EN | Ecology, Physiology, Immunology | |
David Currie | dcurrie@uOttawa.ca | https://goo.gl/xnSUQz | University of Ottawa | Ontario | EN/FR | ecology | |
David Halstead | halstead@saskpolytechnic.ca | Saskatchewan Polytechnic | SK | EN | Aquatic entomology, Odonata, biomonitoring and ecology | ||
David Langor | dlangor@nrcan.gc.ca | https://goo.gl/zKxPAa | University of Alberta | Canadian Forest Service | Alberta | EN | Ecology, forestry |
David MacLean | macleand@unb.ca | https://goo.gl/UtTDV3 | University of New Brunswick | New Brunswick | EN | Forest Ecology | |
David McCorquodale | david_mccorquodale@cbu.ca | https://goo.gl/dM8pcp | Cape Breton University | Nova Scotia | EN | Ecology, Natural History | |
David Rosenberg | drosie@mymts.net | https://goo.gl/8HCqAN | University of Manitoba | Fisheries & Oceans Canada | Manitoba | EN | Freshwater ecology |
David Theilmann | david.theilmann@agr.gc.ca | https://goo.gl/ghPFU8 | University of British Columbia | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | British Columbia | EN | Insect diseases, genomics, molecular virology, biological control |
David V Beresford | davidberesford@trentu.ca | https://goo.gl/scjxbV | Trent University | Ontario | EN | ecology, IPM | |
Debbie Henderson | deborah.henderson@kwantlen.ca | https://goo.gl/iRUkDz | Kwantlen Polytechnic University | British Columbia | EN | Biological Control, Agriculture | |
Deepa Pureswaran | deepa.pureswaran@canada.ca | https://goo.gl/DXbFLm | Centre de Foresterie des Laurentides | Quebec | EN/FR | forestry, ecology | |
Dennis Lehmkuhl | dennis.lehmkuhl@usask.ca | https://goo.gl/yrUvea | University of Saskatchewan | Saskatchewan | EN | Ecology, conservation | |
Desiree Vanderwel | d.vanderwel@uwinnipeg.ca | https://goo.gl/mCwxJq | University of Winnipeg | Manitoba | EN | physiology | |
Dezene Huber | dezene.huber@unbc.ca | https://goo.gl/3EJ1Ba | University of Northern British Columbia | British Columbia | EN | Plant-insect interactions, Forestry, biological control, molecular biology | |
Diane Srivastava | srivast@zoology.ubc.ca | https://goo.gl/MFCGXY | University of British Columbia | British Columbia | EN | Ecology, Community Ecology, Conservation | |
Don Henne | dhenne@lakeheadu.ca | Lakehead University | ON | EN | population ecology, IPM, biodiversity, biological control | ||
Doug Strongman | doug.strongman@smu.ca | https://goo.gl/cEPNhK | St. Mary's University | Nova Scotia | EN | Ecology, Insect-microbe interactions | |
Douglas Altshuler | doug@zoology.ubc.ca | https://goo.gl/djHyzu | University of British Columbia | British Columbia | EN | Physiology | |
Douglas Currie | dc.currie@utoronto.ca | https://goo.gl/84qMuQ | University of Toronto | Royal Ontario Museum | Ontario | EN | Ecology, systematics, conservation |
Dudley Williams | williamsdd@utsc.utoronto.ca | https://goo.gl/nEhhyv | University of Toronto Scarborough | Ontario | EN | conservation, ecology | |
Dwayne Hegedus | dwayne.hegedus@agr.gc.ca | https://goo.gl/r9yq6K | University of Saskatchewan | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | Saskatchewan | EN | agriculture, genetics/genomics |
Elizabeth Elle | eelle@sfu.ca | https://goo.gl/zpa8jX | Simon Fraser University | British Columbia | EN | Ecology, Conservation, Physiology | |
Emma Despland | emma.despland@concordia.ca | https://goo.gl/G5B48x | Concordia | Quebec | EN | ecology, conservation, forestry | |
Ernesto Guzman | eguzman@uoguelph.ca | https://goo.gl/nsx4xJ | University of Guelph | Ontario | EN | ecology, genetics/genomics | |
Esther Verheyen | everheye@sfu.ca | https://goo.gl/5hmYEU | Simon Fraser University | British Columbia | EN | Genetics/Genomics, Physiology | |
Faye Murrin | fmurrin@mun.ca | https://goo.gl/T64Hdj | Memorial University | Newfoundland | EN | Ecology, Cell Biology | |
Felix Sperling | felix.sperling@ualberta.ca | https://goo.gl/MnjMgB | University of Alberta | Alberta | EN | systematics, evolution | |
Fiona Hunter | hunterf@brocku.ca | https://goo.gl/qkprCX | Brock University | Ontario | EN | systematics, ecology, genetics and genomics | |
François Dumont | fdumont@cram-mirabel.com | https://goo.gl/brPP1r | Centre de recherche agroalimentaire de Mirabel | Quebec | FR | biological control, agriculture, ecology | |
François Fournier | francois.fournier@cmontmorency.qc.ca | https://goo.gl/Mx1Bvi | Collège Montmorency | Quebec | FR | biological control, agriculture, ecology | |
François Lorenzetti | francois.lorenzetti@uqo.ca | https://goo.gl/4n3Gp5 | Université du Québec en Outaouais | Quebec | FR | physiology, ecology, forestry | |
Fred Beaulieu | frederic.beaulieu@agr.gc.ca | https://goo.gl/2ggZtY | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | Ontario | EN/FR | systematics, ecology (mites, Acari) | |
G Christopher Cutler | chris.cutler@dal.ca | https://goo.gl/EGv6rX | Dalhousie University (Agricultural Campus) | Nova Scotia | EN | Ecology, Evolution, Toxicology, Pest management, Agriculture, Hymenoptera, Biological Control | |
Gérald Chouinard | gerald.chouinard@irda.qc.ca | https://goo.gl/Jto58v | Institut de Recherche et de Développement en Agroenvironnement | Quebec | FR | biological control, agriculture, ecology | |
Gaetan Moreau | gaetan.moreau@umoncton.ca | https://goo.gl/f3K9jC | Université de Moncton | New Brunswick | FR | Ãcologie des insectes, dynamique des populations, dynamique des communautés hétérotrophes, impact des perturbations anthropiques et entomologie médico-légale. | |
Gail Anderson | ganderso@sfu.ca | https://goo.gl/beS1yg | Simon Fraser University | British Columbia | EN | Forensic Entomology | |
Gard Otis | gotis@uoguelph.ca | https://goo.gl/wNpkxa | University of Guelph | Ontario | EN | ecology, evolution, forestry | |
Geneviève Labrie | glabrie@cram-mirabel.com | Centre de recherche agroalimentaire de Mirabel | QC | FR | Entomology, IPM, Biological control, protected crops, vegetables, field crops. | ||
Gerhard Gries | gries@sfu.ca | https://goo.gl/gWLQ3r | Simon Fraser University | British Columbia | EN | Chemical Ecology, Physiology | |
Gilles Boiteau | Gilles.Boiteau@AGR.GC.CA | https://goo.gl/N1cF8x | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | New Brunswick | EN/FR | Integrated Pest Management (Potato) | |
Graham Thompson | graham.thompson@uwo.ca | https://goo.gl/rzbDeZ | University of Western Ontario | Ontario | EN | ecology, genetics/genomics, evolution | |
Heath MacMillan | Heath.MacMillan@Carleton.ca | https://goo.gl/XbJdfG | Carleton University | Ontario | EN | physiology, evolution | |
Heather Kharouba | heather.kharouba@uottawa.ca | https://goo.gl/3CFoCr | University of Ottawa | Ontario | EN | ecology, plant-insect interactions, global change ecology | |
Heather Proctor | hproctor@ualberta.ca | https://goo.gl/GMGCmk | University of Alberta | Alberta | EN | systematics, evolution | |
Héctor A. Cárcamo | hector.carcamo@canada.ca | https://goo.gl/2Sbiq7 | University of Lethbridge | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | Alberta | EN | biological control, ecology |
Howard Rundle | hrundle@uOttawa.ca | https://goo.gl/QSoQuH | University of Ottawa | Ontario | EN | ecology, evolution, genetics/genomics | |
Howard Thistlewood | howard.thistlewood@agr.gc.ca | https://goo.gl/iBffsP | University of British Columbia Okanagan | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | British Columbia | EN | Ecology, Agriculture, Community Ecology, Biological Control |
Hume Douglas | hume.douglas@canada.ca | https://goo.gl/zbXZik | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | Ontario | EN/FR | Systematics, Coleoptera taxonomy, leaf beetles, bark beetles, click beetles | |
Ian Scott | ian.scott2@canada.ca | University of Western Ontario | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | ON | EN/FR | pest management, and chemical ecology | |
Ian Walker | ian.walker@ubc.ca | https://goo.gl/YwfzrV | University of British Columbia Okanagan | British Columbia | EN | Ecology, Evolution, Climate Change | |
Jack Gray | jack.gray@usask.ca | https://goo.gl/Z6ERv3 | University of Saskatchewan | Saskatchewan | EN | Physiology | |
Jacques Brodeur | jacques.brodeur@umontreal.ca | https://goo.gl/RpPesu | Université de Montréal | Quebec | FR | ecology, biological control, agriculture | |
Jacques Régnière | jacques.regniere@canada.ca | https://goo.gl/1aF5RP | Université Laval | Centre de Foresterie des Laurentides; University of Toronto | Quebec | EN/FR | forestry, ecology, biological control |
Jacquie Bede | jacqueline.bede@mcgill.ca | https://goo.gl/akTzHS | McGill University | Quebec | EN | biological control, agriculture, physiology | |
Jade Savage | jsavage@ubishops.ca | https://goo.gl/xBw8d9 | Université Bishop | Quebec | EN/FR | systematics, ecology | |
James Coupland | couplandj@hotmail.com | ||||||
James D. Thomson | james.thomson@utoronto.ca | https://goo.gl/DWxi5g | University of Toronto | Ontario | EN | Ecology, conservation, physiology | |
James Kemp | jkemp@upei.ca | https://goo.gl/o1q2L3 | University of Prince Edward Island | Prince Edward Island | EN | Pollinator Biology, Toxicology | |
James Tansey | James.tansey@gov.sk.ca | Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture | SK | EN/FR | Intergrated Pest Management, Insect-Plant Interactions | ||
Jan Ciborowski | cibor@uwindsor.ca | https://goo.gl/zCYYJd | University of Windsor | Ontario | EN | conservation, ecology | |
Jan Klimaszewski | jan.klimaszewski@canada.ca | https://goo.gl/f4gq9u | Centre de Foresterie des Laurentides | Quebec | EN/FR | forestry, ecology, systematics, conservation | |
Jason Gibbs | dialictus@gmail.com | https://goo.gl/qouA5i | University of Manitoba | Manitoba | EN | systematics, evolution | |
Jayne Yack | jayne_yack@carleton.ca | https://goo.gl/X4ddQb | Carleton University | Ontario | EN | physiology, evolution | |
Jeanne Robert | Jeanne.Robert@gov.bc.ca | University of Northern British Columbia | Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations, and Rural Development | BC | EN | molecular genetics / genomics of insects and conifers, plant-insect interactions and ecology, forest health and natural resource management | |
Jean-Philippe Lessard | JP.lessard@concordia.ca | https://goo.gl/tKUg9c | Concordia | Quebec | EN/FR | ecology, conservation | |
Jean-Philippe Parent | Jean-Philippe.Parent2@agr.gc.ca | https://goo.gl/qzQQBH | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | Ontario | EN/FR | Insect Behaviour, Insect Movement, Biological Control | |
Jeff Dawson | jeff_dawson@carleton.ca | https://goo.gl/g5MULc | Carleton University | Ontario | EN | Neuroethology, biomechanics of insect flight, animal locomotion | |
Jeff Skevington | jhskevington@gmail.com | https://goo.gl/bRrVQA | Carleton University | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | Ontario | EN | systematics, genetics/genomics, evolution |
Jeffrey Marcus | marcus@cc.umanitoba.ca | https://goo.gl/RNoG9e | University of Manitoba | Manitoba | EN | systematics, evolution | |
Jennifer Cory | jsc21@sfu.ca | https://goo.gl/PtnWpx | Simon Fraser University | British Columbia | EN | Ecology, Evolution, Community Ecology, Insect diseases, Biological Control | |
Jeremy Allison | jeremy.allison@canada.ca | https://goo.gl/KjGTHA | University of Toronto | Great Lakes Forestry Centre; University of Pretoria; Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute | Ontario | EN | Entomology, Chemical Ecology, Behavioral Ecology |
Jeremy Kerr | jkerr@uOttawa.ca | https://goo.gl/uBSFUU | University of Ottawa | Ontario | EN/FR | conservation, ecology, systematics | |
Jeremy McNeil | jmcneil2@uwo.ca | https://goo.gl/e3S3jg | University of Western Ontario | Ontario | EN | ecology, biological control | |
Jessica Forrest | jforrest@uottawa.ca | https://goo.gl/8pJvvs | University of Ottawa | Ontario | EN/FR | ecology, evolution, agriculture, conservation | |
Jocelyn Smith | jocelyn.smith@uoguelph.ca | University of Guelph | ON | EN | Pest management, insect resistance management, agriculture, field crop entomology | ||
Joel Gibson | jgibson@royalbcmuseum.bc.ca | Royal British Columbia Museum | BC | EN | Systematics, evolution, Diptera, faunistics, biogeography, phylogeny, shoreline ecosystems | ||
Johanne Delisle | johanne.delisle@canada.ca | https://goo.gl/3fzTGf | Université Laval | Centre de Foresterie des Laurentides | Quebec | FR | forestry, ecology |
John Gavloski | John.Gavloski@gov.mb.ca | n/a | Manitoba Agriculture | MB | |||
John T. Arnason | john.arnason@uOttawa.ca | https://goo.gl/46dhB3 | University of Ottawa | Ontario | EN/FR | ecology, evolution | |
Jonathan Schmidt | jonschm@uoguelph.ca | https://goo.gl/WyknZ5 | University of Guelph | Ontario | EN | physiology, ecology | |
Jonathon Sweeney | jon.sweeney@canada.ca | https://goo.gl/AYnnZ1 | Natural Resources Canada | University of New Brunswick | New Brunswick | EN | Chemical Ecology, Invasive Species, Forest Ecology |
Josée Boisclair | josee.boisclair@irda.qc.ca | https://goo.gl/wcyZuM | Institut de Recherche et de Développement en Agroenvironnement | Quebec | FR | biological control, agriculture, ecology | |
Jose Andres | jose.andres@usask.ca | https://goo.gl/8L6GyV | University of Saskatchewan | Saskatchewan | EN | Genetics, evolution | |
Julia Mlynarek | julia.mlynarek@canada.ca | https://goo.gl/6va6Sg | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | Ontario | EN/FR | Ecology/Systematics, Integrated Pest Management | |
Julie Turgeon | julie.turgeon@bio.ulaval.ca | https://goo.gl/FtbybT | Université Laval | Quebec | FR | evolution, genetics/genomics | |
Julie-Éléonore Maisonhaute | julie-eleonore.maisonhaute@uqtr.ca | Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières | n/a | QC | EN/FR | Forensic entomology, landscape ecology, biological control | |
Julien Saguez | julien.saguez@cerom.qc.ca | https://goo.gl/qcx9VY | Centre de Recherche sur les Grains | Quebec | FR | biological control, agriculture, ecology | |
Jurek Kolasa | kolasa@mcmaster.ca | https://goo.gl/dGaw9s | McMaster University | Ontario | EN | conservation, ecology | |
Karen Needham | needham@zoology.ubc.ca | https://goo.gl/6znqMu | University of British Columbia | British Columbia | EN | Systematics | |
Kateryn Rochon | kateryn.rochon@umanitoba.ca | https://goo.gl/ZLwDbu | University of Manitoba | Manitoba | EN | ecology | |
Keith Solomon | ksolomon@uoguelph.ca | https://goo.gl/R17P7E | University of Guelph | Ontario | EN | ecology, conservation | |
Ken Fry | kfry@oldscollege.ca | Olds College | AB | EN | Biological Control, Integrated Pest Management | ||
Kevin Floate | Kevin.Floate@canada.ca | https://goo.gl/YgdGVZ | University of Lethbridge | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | Alberta | EN | biological control, ecology |
Kevin Judge | judgek3@macewan.ca | https://goo.gl/Ao1kUn | MacEwan University | Alberta | EN | evolution | |
Keving Friesen | FriesenK8@macewan.ca | https://goo.gl/v96Cza | MacEwan University | Alberta | EN | physiology | |
L. Robbin Lindsay | Robbin.Lindsay@phac-aspc.gc.ca | https://goo.gl/tSUWYW | University of Manitoba | Health Canada | Manitoba | EN | Vector biology |
Laurence Packer | xeromelissa@mail.com | https://goo.gl/sR3AZt | York University | Ontario | EN | Ecology, conservation, systematics | |
Lawrence Hale | lhale@upei.ca | https://goo.gl/BF15Nf | University of Prince Edward Island | Prince Edward Island | EN | Evolution, Molecular Genetics | |
Leah Flaherty | flahertyl@macewan.ca | https://goo.gl/bpRuWs | EacEwan University | Alberta | EN | Forestry | |
Leland Humble | leland.humble@canada.ca | https://goo.gl/87AfgW | University of British Columbia | Canadian Forest Service | British Columbia | EN | Forestry, Biological Control, Ecology, Sytematics |
Lenore Fahrig | lenore_fahrig@carleton.ca | https://goo.gl/Jsm5Hx | Carleton University | Ontario | EN | ecology, agriculture, conservation | |
Leticia Avilés | laviles@zoology.ubc.ca | https://goo.gl/kbL5vh | University of British Columbia | British Columbia | EN | Community Ecology, Ecology | |
Lien Luong | lluong@ualberta.ca | https://goo.gl/kSo3fE | University of Alberta | Alberta | EN | ecology, parasite-host interactions | |
Liette Vasseur | lvasseur@brocku.ca | https://goo.gl/y4vzcJ | Brock University | Ontario | EN/FR | ecology, evolution | |
Lisa Poirier | lisa.poirier@unbc.ca | https://goo.gl/Etyi5h | University of Northern British Columbia | British Columbia | EN | Ecology, Chemical Ecology, Forestry | |
Locke Rowe | locke.rowe@utoronto.ca | https://goo.gl/UXmfz2 | University of Toronto | Ontario | EN | Ecology, physiology, evolution, genetics/genomics | |
Lucie Royer | lucie.royer@canada.ca | https://goo.gl/bUuPCd | Centre de Foresterie des Laurentides | Quebec | FR | forestry, ecology | |
Madeleine Chagnon | madeleinechagnon@gmail.com | https://goo.gl/yLAUUg | Université du Québec à Montréal | Quebec | FR | ecology, conservation, agriculture | |
Mahmood Iranpour | iranpour@cc.umanitoba.ca | University of Manitoba | Manitoba | EN | Biological control | ||
Marc Belisle | marc.m.belisle@usherbrooke.ca | https://goo.gl/exTX7h | Université de Sherbrooke | Centre Sève | Quebec | FR | ecology, conservation |
Mario Bonneau | mario.bonneau@ville.montreal.qc.ca | Insectarium | Quebec | FR | ecology, systematics | ||
Marjolaine Giroux | marjolaine.giroux@ville.montreal.qc.ca | Insectarium | Quebec | FR | systematics, ecology | ||
Mark Forbes | mark_forbes@carleton.ca | https://goo.gl/Qdijxz | Carleton University | Ontario | EN | ecology, evolution, conservation | |
Mark J. Fitzpatrick | mark.fitzpatrick@utoronto.ca | https://goo.gl/ZzP166 | University of Toronto Scarborough | Ontario | EN | physiology, ecology, genetics/genomics | |
Mark Rheault | mark.rheault@ubc.ca | https://goo.gl/EbTJLp | University of British Columbia Okanagan | British Columbia | EN | Physiology, Genetics/Genomics | |
Mark Sears | msears@uoguelph.ca | https://goo.gl/V3utxM | University of Guelph | Ontario | EN | agriculture, ecology | |
Marla M. Sokolowski | marla.sokolowski@utoronto.ca | https://goo.gl/E16Wys | University of Toronto | Ontario | EN | Evolution, genetics/genomics, physiology | |
Martin Erlandson | martin.erlandson@agr.gc.ca | https://goo.gl/X6SazV | University of Saskatchewan | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | Saskatchewan | EN | biological control, agriculture |
Mary Reid | mreid@ucalgary.ca | https://goo.gl/WjZ8qt | University of Calgary | Alberta | EN | forestry, ecology | |
Maryse Barrette | maryse.barrette@ville.montreal.qc.ca | Insectarium | Quebec | FR | ecology, conservation, biological control | ||
Maxim Larrivée | maxim.larrivee@ville.montreal.qc.ca | Insectarium | Quebec | EN/FR | forestry, ecology, systematics | ||
Maya Evenden | mevenden@ualberta.ca | https://goo.gl/DUwvHx | University of Alberta | Alberta | EN | physiology | |
Maydianne Andrade | mandrade@utsc.utoronto.ca | https://goo.gl/pWGX2Y | University of Toronto Scarborough | Ontario | EN | ecology, evolution | |
Meghan Vankosky | Meghan.Vankosky@canada.ca | https://goo.gl/YZ9Df7 | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | Saskatchewan | EN | biological control, agriculture | |
Michael Barrett | fm.barrett@utoronto.ca | https://goo.gl/4PhQhD | University of Toronto | Ontario | EN | physiology | |
Michael Gordon | gordon@zoology.ubc.ca | https://goo.gl/Cj2cMT | University of British Columbia | British Columbia | EN | Genetics/Genomics, Molecular Biology, Physiology | |
Michael O'Donnell | odonnell@mcmaster.ca | https://goo.gl/m6N9ej | McMaster University | Ontario | EN | physiology, genetics/genomics | |
Michel Cusson | michel.cusson@canada.ca | https://goo.gl/YtZpSC | Centre de Foresterie des Laurentides | Quebec | EN/Fr | forestry, ecology | |
Michelle Tseng | mtseng@zoology.ubc.ca | https://goo.gl/pkhYWQ | University of British Columbia | British Columbia | EN | Ecology, Evolution | |
Miriam Richards | mrichards@brocku.ca | https://goo.gl/zXFnBh | Brock University | Ontario | EN | ecology, evolution | |
N Kirk Hillier | kirk.hillier@acadiau.ca | https://goo.gl/DQarqf | Acadia University | Nova Scotia | EN | Insect Chemical Ecology, Physiology, Pest management, Ecology, Agriculture, Neuroscience | |
Nadir Erbilgin | erbilgin@ualberta.ca | https://goo.gl/Zy7rjS | University of Alberta | Alberta | EN | Ecology, forestry | |
Naomi Cappuccino | naomi_cappuccino@carleton.ca | https://goo.gl/uRonTY | Carleton University | Ontario | EN | ecology, evolution, biological control | |
Nathalie Roullé | nroulle@iqdho.com | Institut Québécois du développement de l'horticulture ornementale (IQDHO) | QC | EN/FR | Biological control, agriculture, ornamental crops, ecology | ||
Nathan Lovejoy | lovejoy@utsc.utoronto.ca | https://goo.gl/AUdh6e | University of Toronto Scarborough | Ontario | EN | systematics, genetics/genomics, ecology, evolution | |
Neil B. Chilton | neil.chilton@usask.ca | https://goo.gl/QMWCLh | University of Saskatchewan | Saskatchewan | EN | Genetics, evolution | |
Nicholas Harden | nharden@sfu.ca | https://goo.gl/VZmKYB | Simon Fraser University | British Columbia | EN | Genetics/Genomics, Molecular Biology | |
Nigel Raine | nraine@uoguelph.ca | https://goo.gl/fJkQKu | University of Guelph | Ontario | EN | pollinator conservation, pollinator behaviour, impacts of pesticides on bees, insect behaviour, pollination ecology | |
Norbert H. Haunerland | haunerla@sfu.ca | https://goo.gl/LPH2Te | Simon Fraser University | British Columbia | EN | Molecular Biology, Genetics/Genomics | |
Patrice Bouchard | patrice.bouchard@agr.gc.ca | https://goo.gl/DLr1ar | University of Ottawa | Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids and Nematodes | Ontario | EN/FR | taxonomy, evolution, beetles, darkling beetles, weevils, invasive species |
Patricia Chow-Fraser | chowfras@mcmaster.ca | https://goo.gl/wPGo17 | McMaster University | Ontario | EN | ecology, conservation | |
Patrick James | patrick.ma.james@umontreal.ca | https://goo.gl/6v1QnK | Université de Montréal | Quebec | EN/FR | ecology, forestry | |
Paul Abram | paul.abram@canada.ca | https://goo.gl/2DhCJQ | Simon Fraser University | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | British Columbia | EN | Biological Control, Agriculture, Ecology |
Paul Fields | paul.fields@agr.gc.ca | https://goo.gl/D2FoZ6 | University of Manitoba | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | Manitoba | EN | biological control, ecology |
Paul Galpern | pgalpern@ucalgary.ca | https://goo.gl/mEyxaT | University of Calgary | Alberta | EN | Pollination, ecology | |
Paul Marino | pmarino@mun.ca | https://goo.gl/j3Ras8 | Memorial University | Newfoundland | EN | Agricultural Ecology | |
Paul Sibley | psibley@uoguelph.ca | https://goo.gl/FAeLUh | University of Guelph | Ontario | EN | conservation, ecology | |
Peter Kevan | pkevan@uoguelph.ca | https://goo.gl/ayuyPP | University of Guelph | Ontario | EN | ecology, conservation, agriculture | |
Peter Mason | peter.mason@agr.gc.ca | https://goo.gl/GxAjWs | Carleton University | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | Ontario | EN | biological control, ecology |
Philip Matthews | pmatthews@zoology.ubc.ca | https://goo.gl/Nqkqjy | University of British Columbia | British Columbia | EN | Ecology, Evolution, Physiology | |
Pierre Giovenazzo | pierre.giovenazzo@bio.ulaval.ca | https://goo.gl/tXMegm | Université Laval | Quebec | FR | ecology, agriculture | |
Pierre Lafontaine | p.lafontaine@ciel-cvp.ca | https://goo.gl/c9Josg | Carrefour Industriel et Expérimental de Lanaudière | Quebec | FR | biological control, agriculture, ecology | |
R. M. Robertson | robertrm@queensu.ca | https://goo.gl/m1p7G4 | Queen's University | Ontario | EN | physiology | |
Ralph Cartar | cartar@ucalgary.ca | https://goo.gl/FR4sDp | University of Calgary | Alberta | EN | ecology | |
Rama Singh | singh@mcmaster.ca | https://goo.gl/sSBmpC | McMaster University | Ontario | EN | genetics/genomics, evolution, systematics | |
Rebecca Hallett | rhallett@uoguelph.ca | https://goo.gl/CPdTXc | University of Guelph | Ontario | EN | ecology, biological control, agriculture | |
Rebecca Rooney | rebecca.rooney@uwaterloo.ca | https://goo.gl/d7JbEn | University of Waterloo | Ontario | EN | Ecology, wetlands, aquatic, limnology, community interactions, restoration, food web, secondary productivity, species at risk, invasive species | |
Reuven Dukas | dukas@mcmaster.ca | https://goo.gl/jtM8fw | McMaster University | Ontario | EN | behaviour, cognition, evolution, ecology | |
Richard Freitag | Rfreitag@tbaytel.net | ||||||
Richard Westwood | r.westwood@uwinnipeg.ca | https://goo.gl/dMbWu9 | University of Winnipeg | Manitoba | EN | Conservation, ecology | |
Risa Sargent | rsargent@uOttawa.ca | https://goo.gl/6iKcYd | University of Ottawa | Ontario | EN/FR | ecology, evolution | |
Rob Currie | rob.currie@umanitoba.ca | https://goo.gl/j2ws6J | University of Manitoba | Manitoba | EN | genetics, conservation | |
Rob Higgins | rhiggins@tru.ca | https://goo.gl/2wbEx1 | Thompson Rivers University | British Columbia | EN | Forestry, Ecology | |
Rob Johns | rjohns@nrcan.gc.ca | https://goo.gl/DHsdrJ | University of New Brunswick | Canadian Forest Service | New Brunswick | EN | Insect-Plant-Parasite Interactions, Evolutionary Ecology, Integrated Pest Management, Insect Population Ecology |
Rob McGregor | mcgregorr@douglascollege.ca | Douglas College | BC | EN | Biological control, Ecology, Conservation Biology | ||
Robert Anderson | r.anderson@uwinnipeg.ca | https://goo.gl/CAg6ZC | University of Winnipeg | Manitoba | EN | Behavioural ecology | |
Robert Bourchier | robert.bourchier@agr.gc.ca | https://goo.gl/2naQCa | University of Toronto; University of Alberta | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | Alberta | EN/FR | Biological Control, Ecology, Invasive species, Risk Assessment |
Robert Hanner | rhanner@uoguelph.ca | https://goo.gl/2ekBvB | University of Guelph | Ontario | EN | genetics, taxonomy, DNA barcoding | |
Robert L. Baker | robert.baker@utoronto.ca | https://goo.gl/T8R8Pf | University of Toronto | Ontario | EN | Evolution, ecology, physiology | |
Robert Laird | robert.laird@uleth.ca | https://goo.gl/EmXwbW | University of Lethbridge | Alberta | EN | Ecology | |
Robert Lalonde | robert.lalonde@ubc.ca | https://goo.gl/imBCr6 | University of British Columbia Okanagan | British Columbia | EN | Modelling, Ecology, Biological Control | |
Roger Jacobs | jacobsr@mcmaster.ca | https://goo.gl/J8CjVx | McMaster University | Ontario | EN | physiology, genetics/genomics | |
Ron Aiken | raiken@mta.ca | https://goo.gl/YZVAeS | Mount Allison University | New Brunswick | EN | Reproductive Biology, Ecology, and Life History of Aquatic Insects | |
Ronald Ydenberg | ydenberg@sfu.ca | https://goo.gl/xBuBcF | Simon Fraser University | British Columbia | EN | Behavioural Ecology | |
Rory McIntosh | Rory.mcintosh@gov.sk.ca | University of Saskatchewan (Adjunct) | Ministry of Environment, Forest Service Branch | SK | En | Forest insects and Pest Management, Forestry, Insect Ecology, Urban Forestry | |
Rosemary de Clerke-Floate | Rosemarie.Declerck-Floate@agr.gc.ca | https://goo.gl/hud3Lv | University of Lethbridge | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | Alberta | EN | biological control, ecology |
Ryan McKellar | Ryan.McKellar@gov.sk.ca | https://goo.gl/M3w8kJ | University of Regina | Royal Saskatchewan Museum | Saskatchewan | EN | evolution, systematics |
Sandra Gillespie | sandra.gillespie@ufv.ca | University of the Fraser Valley | Simon Fraser University | British Columbia | EN | Ecology and evolution, pollination, bees, pollination ecology | |
Sandra Walde | sandra.walde@dal.ca | https://goo.gl/Bu9N67 | Dalhousie University (Halifax Campus) | Nova Scotia | EN | Ecology | |
Sandy Smith | s.smith.a@utoronto.ca | https://goo.gl/aQuJvy | University of Toronto | Ontario | EN | Biological control, forestry, conservation, ecology | |
Sean Prager | sean.prager@usask.ca | https://goo.gl/33wMXm | University of Saskatchewan | Saskatchewan | EN | biological control, agriculture, ecology, evolution | |
Sheila Colla | srcolla@yorku.ca | https://goo.gl/2SjxtD | York University | Ontario | EN | Ecology, conservation biology, environmental policy, sustainable agriculture | |
Sheila Fitzpatrick | sheila.fitzpatrick@agr.gc.ca | https://goo.gl/rzG4u5 | University of British Columbia | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | British Columbia | EN | Biological Control, Agriculture, Ecology |
Shelley Adamo | Shelley.Adamo@dal.ca | https://goo.gl/FGbzrQ | Dalhousie University (Halifax Campus) | Nova Scotia | EN | Physiology, Immunology, Behaviour, Ecology | |
Sherah L. VanLaerhoven | vanlaerh@uwindsor.ca | https://goo.gl/yhQHEs | University of Windsor | Ontario | EN | ecology, forestry, biological control | |
Sherwin S. Desser | wired@zoo.utoronto.ca | https://goo.gl/XRwFfU | University of Toronto | Ontario | EN | Systematics, ecology, genetics/genomics | |
Stanley Caveney | caveney@uwo.ca | https://goo.gl/qdkw2X | University of Western Ontario | Ontario | EN | physiology | |
Stephen Heard | sheard@unb.ca | https://goo.gl/nU6fLb | University of New Brunswick | New Brunswick | EN | Ecology, Evolution, | |
Stephen Marshall | samarsha@uoguelph.ca | https://goo.gl/MEhmhc | University of Guelph | Ontario | EN | systematics, evolution | |
Steve Perlman | stevep@uvic.ca | https://goo.gl/fjKeSZ | University of Victoria | British Columbia | EN | Evoution, Genetics/Genomics, Ecology | |
Steve Whyard | steve.whyard@umanitoba.ca | https://goo.gl/J4LKhw | University of Manitoba | Manitoba | EN | genetics/genomics | |
Steven Paiero | paieros@uoguelph.ca | University of Guelph | ON | EN | Systematics, Evolution, Insect Biodiversity, Natural History | ||
Steven Vamosi | smvamosi@ucalgary.ca | https://goo.gl/2rSJrg | University of Calgary | Alberta | EN | Ecology, evolution | |
Susan Bertram | sue_bertram@carleton.ca | https://goo.gl/fGE9Px | Carleton University | Ontario | EN | evolution, physiology | |
Susan Bjornson | susan.bjornson@smu.ca | https://goo.gl/kgu53b | St. Mary's University | Nova Scotia | EN | Biological Control, Invertebrate Pathology | |
Suzanne Blatt | suzanne.blatt@agr.gc.ca | https://goo.gl/jSFHFZ | Dalhousie University; Acadia University | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | Nova Scotia | EN | Pest Management, Chemical Ecology, Biological Control |
Thomas Chapman | tomc@mun.ca | Memorial University | Newfoundland | EN | Evolutionary Ecology | ||
Tim Work | work.tim@uqam.ca | https://goo.gl/NrjRfU | Université du Québec à Montréal | Quebec | EN/FR | ecology, forestry, conservation | |
Todd Smith | todd.smith@acadiau.ca | https://goo.gl/WJ3eKx | Acadia University | Nova Scotia | EN | Ecology, Parasitology, Physiology | |
Tom Sherratt | tom_sherratt@carleton.ca | https://goo.gl/1RkEmr | Carleton University | Ontario | EN | ecology, evolution | |
Tyler Wist | Tyler.Wist@agr.gc.ca | https://goo.gl/ByhrFj | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | Saskatchewan | EN | biological control, agriculture | |
Véronique Martel | veronique.martel@canada.ca | https://goo.gl/o4qXLD | Centre de Foresterie des Laurentides | Quebec | EN/FR | forestry, ecology, biological control | |
Valérie Fournier | valerie.fournier@fsaa.ulaval.ca | https://goo.gl/DSvFrQ | Université Laval | Centre Sève | Quebec | FR | ecology, conservation, agriculture |
Vincent Hervet | vincent.hervet@canada.ca | University of Manitoba | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | MB | EN/FR | Stored product entomology, ecology, biological control | |
Virginia K. Walker | walkervk@queensu.ca | https://goo.gl/X7CuLN | Queen's University | Ontario | EN | physiology, genetics/genomics | |
Vojislava Grbic | vgrbic@uwo.ca | https://goo.gl/TLWx2M | University of Western Ontario | Ontario | EN | plant-pest interactions, genomics, metabolomics, agriculture | |
W. G. Bendena | bendenaw@queensu.ca | https://goo.gl/C5vBax | Queen's University | Ontario | EN | physiology, genetics/genomics | |
Ward Strong | ward.strong@gov.bc.ca | https://goo.gl/hbxPYY | University of Northern British Columbia | B.C. Ministry of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations | British Columbia | EN | Ecology, Forestry, Biological Control |
Wayne Maddison | wayne.maddison@ubc.ca | https://goo.gl/Cc9qJA | University of British Columbia | British Columbia | EN | Systematics, Evolution | |
Les chercheurs souhaitant être ajouté au répertoire ou voulant mettre leur information à jour peuvent contacter les co-présidentes du comité aux affaires étudiants et des jeunes professionnels de la SEC, Anne-Sophie Caron ou Rachel Rix (students@esc-sec.ca).
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