The Entomological Society of Canada is seeking enthusiastic members to take on leadership roles in the Society. A Director at Large and a Societal Director (Second Vice President) will be selected by members via an online ballot. The Director at Large will serve on the Governing Board for three years, while the Second Vice President will be in line to serve as President of the Society in their third year. Nominations for these positions must be signed by three active members of the Society and be received by the Chair of the Nominating Committee, Chris MacQuarrie ( by 30 March 2024.

The Entomological Society of Canada is looking for a member willing to serve in the position of Co-Secretary, starting in October 2023. The ESC’s two Co-Secretaries share the secretarial duties in support of the President and Board of Directors by:

  • Scheduling meetings of the Executive Council, Board, and the Members, preparing agendas, obtaining reports from Officers and others, sending out notices of meetings, attending the meetings, and recording minutes.
  • Working with our Association Management Company (Strauss event & association
  • management) to ensure that records of Society activities such as agendas, minutes, reports, and correspondence are preserved, and to prepare the Society’s annual filings with Corporations Canada and other government agencies.
  • Providing information on Society business to the Bulletin Editor, Webmaster, and Strauss for publication, posting, and circulation to the membership as necessary.
  • Maintaining up-to-date lists and contact information for the Society’s Board and Committees.
  • Overseeing plebiscites to recommend candidates for nominations as Societal Director and Director-at-Large, and for any other questions on which votes may be required, and notifying of the results of voting. Advising affiliated societies when they need to provide names for nominations as Regional Directors.

A familiarity with the Society’s by-laws, rules, and guidelines, past experience as a Board member, and the ability to work in French and English would all be assets. This is a great opportunity to serve one of the oldest biological societies in North America and to deepen your contacts with the Canadian entomological community. Any member interested in serving in this position may contact either of the current Co-Secretaries, Erin Campbell ( or Neil Holliday ( for further information. Erin will be continuing in her position, and Neil will be stepping down. Applications should be made to the President, Chris MacQuarrie (, by 31 July 2023. The final selection will be made by an ad hoc committee convened by the President.

a damselfy on streamside vegetation. It is yellow and green.


Deadline approaching: 28 February!

Society Directors help govern the ESC

  • Societal Director (Second Vice-president)
  • Director at Large
  • Director for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Please help govern your society!

Submit nominations to ESC co-secretaries:

Achievement Awards

  • Gold Medal Award (for outstanding entomological contributions in Canada)
  • C. Gordon Hewitt Award (for outstanding entomological contributions in Canada within 12 years of having received PhD)
  • Honorary Member (ESC member or former member having made outstanding contributions to advance entomology)
  • Fellow (ESC member having made major contributions in any aspect of entomology research, teaching, administration, etc.)
  • Bert and John Carr Award (supports insect faunistics and natural history, preferentially by an amateur or student)

Please recognize the excellence of our colleagues!

Submit nominations to ESC vice-president:

See the December 2022 ESC Bulletin (pp. 197-200) for details.

Chair of the Fund
The Entomological Society of Canada’s Scholarship Fund is seeking to fill the position of Chair of the Fund beginning in January, 2023. The Scholarship Fund is a registered charity in Canada which provides a number of financial awards to university students studying entomology. The duties of this position include chairing meetings of the Scholarship Fund Trustees, signing award notification letters to successful student applicants as selected by the ESC Student Awards Committee, presenting student scholarship awards at the ESC Joint Annual Meeting and communicating with the ESC Board on relevant matters. General knowledge of the affairs of the ESC would be an advantage as well as a passion for furthering educational opportunities for students in the field of entomology.

Treasurer of the Fund
The Entomological Society of Canada’s Scholarship Fund is looking to fill the position of Fund Treasurer, beginning in January 2023. The duties include, but are not limited to, custody of the ESC Scholarship funds, reporting on the Scholarship Fund’s finances when required, submitting a budget to the Trustees for approval and to the ESC June Board meeting to inform the ESC Board, submitting an audited financial statement at the end of each financial year to the membership by posting it in the Scholarship Fund web page, and serving as a Trustee of the Fund and on the ESC Finance Committee. Previous experience with financial reporting and/or accounting would be an advantage, as is a general knowledge of the affairs of the Society.

Please express your interest in the above positions to the co-Secretaries of the ESC ( The final selection will be made by the Trustees of the Fund.

Registration for in-person and virtual attendance is available

ESC members should have received an Eblast with codes to enter to obtain their membership discount.  If you are a member, but have not received the Eblast, please contact

To register, go to



The Entomological Society of Canada is looking for a member willing to serve in the position of Co-Secretary, starting in September 2022. The current Secretary position will be split into two Co-Secretary positions, and the current Secretary will continue as one of the Co-Secretaries. The two Co-Secretaries will share the secretarial duties in support of the President and Board of Directors by:

  • Scheduling meetings of the Executive Council, Board, and the Members, preparing agendas, obtaining reports from Officers and others, sending out notices of meetings, attending the meetings, and recording
  • Working with our Association Management Company (Strauss event & association management) to ensure that records of Society activities such as agendas, minutes, reports, and correspondence are preserved, and to prepare the Society’s annual filings with Corporations Canada and other government agencies.
  • Providing information on Society business to the Bulletin Editor, Webmaster, and Strauss for publication, posting, and circulation to the membership as necessary.
  • Maintaining up-to-date lists and contact information for the Society’s Board, and
  • Overseeing plebiscites to recommend candidates for nominations as Societal Director and Director-at-Large, and for any other questions on which votes may be required, and notifying of the results of Advising affiliated societies when they need to provide names for nominations as Regional Directors.

A familiarity with the Society’s by-laws, rules, and guidelines, past experience as a Board member, and the ability to work in French and English would all be assets. This is a great opportunity to serve one of the oldest biological societies in North America and to deepen your contacts with the Canadian entomological community. Any member interested in serving in this position may contact the current Secretary, Neil Holliday (Neil_Holliday@UManitoba.CA) for further information. Applications should be made to the President, Felix Sperling (Felix.Sper-, by 30 June 2022. The final selection will be made by an ad hoc committee convened by the President.

The Entomological Society of Canada is seeking enthusiastic members to take on leadership roles in the Society. A Director at Large and a Societal Director (Second Vice President) will be selected by members via an online ballot. The Director at Large will serve on the Governing Board for three years, while the Second Vice President will be in line to serve as President of the Society in their third year. Nominations for these positions must be signed by three active members of the Society and be received by the Secretary of the Entomological Society of Canada ( ) by 28 February 2022.

(French follows)

This year, instead of the annual silent auction, the Student and Early Professional Affairs Committee of the Entomological Society of Canada is selling bandanas to raise money for the Annual Scholarship Fund.

This 100% cotton bandana, available in red or charcoal gray, is printed with the logo insects* of the ESC and all of the regional entomological societies, plus a bonus arctic wolf spider to represent the northern territories. The beautiful artwork is by Mary Capaldi, and you can find more of their work, much of it entomology-themed, here:

You can pre-order bandanas on Etsy or by contacting Catherine Scott by email or on twitter. We anticipate that the bandanas will be available for shipping around the time of the 2021 online annual meeting, in plenty of time for holiday gift-giving.

*list of featured taxa:

ESC – Grylloblatta campodeiformis
ESBC – Boreus elegans
ESAb – Apamea devastator
ESS – Melanoplus bivittatus
ESM – Cicindela formosa generosa
ESO – Danaus plexippus
SEQ – Limenitis arthemis arthemis
AES – Rhagoletis pomonella
Arctic wolf spider – Pardosa glacialis

Mockups of two bandanas featuring line drawings of insects and spiders. One is charcoal grey with white insects and the other is bright red with white insects.

Un bandana orné d’insectes pour soutenir les étudiants de la SEC

Cette année, au lieu des enchères silencieuses annuelles, le Comité des affaires étudiantes et des jeunes professionnels de la Société d’entomologie du Canada vend des bandanas pour amasser des fonds pour le Fonds des bourses de la SEC.

Ces bandanas sont faits de coton à 100%, sont disponibles en rouge ou gris anthracite, et ont des imprimés montrant les insectes* des logos de la SEC et de toutes les sociétés entomologiques régionales, en plus d’une lycose glaciale pour représenter les territoires. Cette belle œuvre d’art est de Mary Capaldi, et vous pouvez trouver davantage de ses œuvres, en grande partie sur le thème de l’entomologie, ici :

Vous pouvez précommander des bandanas sur Etsy ou en contactant Catherine Scott par courriel ou sur Twitter. Nous prévoyons que les bandanas seront prêts pour l’expédition au moment de la réunion annuelle en ligne de 2021, donc bien à temps pour offrir des cadeaux de Noël.

*liste des taxons représentés :

SEC – Grylloblatta campodeiformis
ESBC – Boreus elegans
ESAb – Apamea devastator
ESS – Melanoplus bivittatus
ESM – Cicindela formosa generosa
ESO – Danaus plexippus
SEQ – Limenitis arthemis arthemis
AES – Rhagoletis pomonella
Lycose glaciale – Pardosa glacialis


Folded bandana showing design including symbols representing all provincial and national entomological societies

The Entomological Society of Canada is looking to fill the position of Treasurer, beginning in autumn 2021. Please note that the Treasurer is considered an officer of the Society and is expected to attend the annual meeting of the Governing Board. The Treasurer’s cost of attending this meeting is covered by ESC in the event the Treasurer does not have funding from another source for such expenses.

The duties include, but are not limited to, custody of the Society’s funds, reporting on the finances of the Society when required, submitting a budget to the June Board meeting, submitting an audited financial statement at the end of each financial year to the membership by posting it in the members’ area of the Society’s website, overseeing the day-to-day business operations of the ESC, coordinating the assembly of achievement awards and certificates, and serving as an ex officio member of several committees. Previous experience with financial reporting and/or accounting would be an advantage, as is a general knowledge of the affairs of the Society. Please express your interest in the position to the President, Bill Riel, by 30 September 2021 (ESCPresident@ The final selection will be made by an ad hoc committee convened by the President.

Call for nominations: Societal Director (Second Vice-President), Director at Large

The Society will hold an online ballot to select candidates for a Societal Director and Director at Large. The selected candidates will then be presented as a slate for formal election by members at the Annual Members’ Meeting in fall 2021. Nominations for these positions must be signed by three active members of the Society and be received by the Secretary of the Entomological Society of Canada, Neil Holliday (, by 28 February 2021.