(Le français suit)
Have you recently published a paper you think everyone should hear about? Maybe you have a story from your field work, notes from a recent conference you’d like to share, or even a photo of an insect you’re proud of. If so, the ESC Blog would love to hear from you. We’re always looking for posts about the many facets of Canadian entomology, and want to provide you with a place to share your passion for insects and entomology!
Check out our tips & guidelines for writing and submitting posts, and feel free to contact us at EntSocCanada@gmail.com with your ideas, articles or pictures. We look forward to bringing your voice to the online community!
ESC Blogger Guidelines & Tips for Popular Posts – PDF (306kb) (Une version française suivra bientôt)
Nous sommes des entomologistes amateurs français et préparons une publication sur les Noctuelles de Basse-Normandie ( région de France).
Nous recherchons une photo ( exemplaire vivant) de Megalographa biloba qui migre exceptionnellement sur nos côtes. Cette noctuelle fait partie de votre faune.
Merci de l’intérêt que vous porterez à notre demande qui est urgente.
Nicole Lepertel & Jean-Paul Quinette