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Tribute to Jeremy McNeil (1944-2024)

Dear members, Please visit the tribute video to Jeremy McNeil, produced by Walter S. Leal. A transcription of the tribute follows: Jeremy McNeil was born on November 20th, 1944 in Tunbridge, England. The following year his family moved to Newfoundland, Canada. Jeremy returned to England for high school and worked for two years as a […]

Updates: ESC Jam in Quebec City

Hello ESC members, We have a few announcements about events taking place at this year’s ESC JAM in Quebec City! SEPAC (ESC’s Student and Early Professional Affairs Committee) is organizing and running a silent auction during the meeting. The purpose of the silent auction is to raise funds for student awards for ESC (we have […]

CALL FOR PAPERS: Bugs in the North

The Canadian Journal of Plant Science announces a call for papers for a new Collection: Bugs in the North: Insect-Crop Interactions in Continental Climate Agriculture, guest-edited by Dr. Tyler Wist (AAFC), Dr. Hector Carcamo (AAFC), Dr. Boyd Mori (University of Alberta), and Marie-Ève Gagnon (AAFC). Please note the deadline for papers has been extended to […]

Student Collection Competition

The Biological Survey of Canada is hosting a student collection competition! If you made a collection of insects, plants, or other biological material for university credit this year, you could win up to $150! Photograph your work and enter before January 31st 2024! Get more out of your collection than a letter grade, while contributing […]

Conference announcement: XX International Plant Protection Congress, Athens – Greece 01-05 July 2024

https://www.ippcathens2024.gr/ The Congress is hosted by the Hellenic Society of Phytiatry in Athens, Greece and is organized under the auspices of the International Association for the Plant Protection Sciences (IAPPS), and of the Agricultural University of Athens.    A wide range of topics will be covered in a rich 4 days scientific program while well- […]

Status of Insects RCN Annual Meeting 

The Status of Insects RCN Annual Meeting will be held January 25-26, 2024. Anyone with an interest in the causes and consequences of insect decline, and solutions to mitigate insect biodiversity loss, is welcome to attend the meeting so please extend this invitation to colleagues, students, and other networks you are part of that may be interested […]

ESC JAM Social Activities Update!

Hello there, We have a few announcements about events taking place at this year’s ESC JAM in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan! (Download events .pdf here.) Trivia! Attendees can now sign up to participate in a trivia (https://forms.gle/EEn9H6Z56QxqqeWV7) Open to ALL attendees; date TBD. The student planning committee has organized a trivia for ALL members attending the ESC […]