On June 15, 2012, Rebecca Hallett, Chair of the Science Policy & Education Committee, sent a letter on behalf of the ESC to Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Hon. Keith Ashfield (Minister of Fisheries and Oceans) and Hon. Peter Kent (Minister of the Environment) asking the Government to reverse their decision to close the Experimental Lakes Area. You can read the full text of the letter attached here. The letter was cc’d to Save ELA, and MPs Elizabeth May (Green Party Leader), Tom Mulcair (New Democratic Party Leader) and Hon. Bob Rae (Liberal Party Leader). The ESC was also added as a signator to an ad in support of saving the ELA printed in the Globe & Mail and the Winnipeg Free Press on Saturday June 16.
You can read the ESC’s letter to the government here.
Anyone interested in learning more about the ELA and/or adding your individual support to this initiative, should visit the Save ELA site.
On Monday June 19, a reply was received from Elizabeth May, leader of the Green Party of Canada, expressing her dismay at the closure of the ELA and her intention to table petitions in the House of Commons supporting the continued operation of the ELA in hopes of reversing the government’s decision.
You can read Elizabeth May’s response here.
On Friday June 29, a reply was received from Hon. Keith Ashfield (Minister of Fisheries and Oceans).
You can read Hon. Keith Ashfield’s response here (PDF)
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Wow, I had no idea this had happened in the first place. ELA has been responsible for high grade limnological research; many of the classic studies on nutrient imputs and cycling were conducted on these lakes.